member of Genesis Electronics Recycling team
Our pledge to you
For Schaumburg Electronics Recycling the words Integrity, Reputation & Trust go hand in hand with Reduce, Recycle & Reuse. We know a business is nothing without satisfied customers so make every effort to provide you with the best overall experience from the time you contact us until the delivery is complete and beyond. We don't just want your business once; we want a continuing relationship that reaches far into the future.
100% Guaranteed Data Destruction
It's more important than ever to ensure total destruction of your data once it's time to update to the latest and greatest devices for your business. Schaumburg Electronics Recycling can help you with that. Often people concentrate their efforts on internal security measures of passwords, firewalls and upgraded malware protection, yet overlook what happens to that very same data at the end of their computers' lives. Improper disposal of any device that holds data is equivalent to blindly delivering your entire business into the waiting hands of the bad guys. That is a misstep that could prove catastrophic. This can be avoided if you use the services of Schaumburg Electronics Recycling.
It's rather easy for someone who knows what they're doing to mine information off of a hard drive even if it's been wiped clean. Once data is stolen it can never be recovered - it's out there in the universe whether you like it or not. Your company could be sued by clients and employees who claim damages if their information gets out, or proprietary information could be seen by your competitors. Schaumburg Electronic Recycling will see to it that never happens to you.
Schaumburg Electronics Recycling certifies complete eradication of your data through physical destruction of your hard drives. We scan each one individually to capture its model and serial number, then shred them with special machines. Once that hard drive is in a thousand little pieces even the most talented computer forensics specialist will be thwarted in their efforts to find any data. If you prefer Schaumburg Electronics Recycling can come to your place of business with our self-contained trucks and shred the hard drives as you supervise.
Service Areas
Schaumburg Recycling
Cook County
Lake County
McHenry County (east of IL Rt 47)
Du Page County
Will County
Kane County (east of IL Rt 47)
Our Certifications
R2 (Responsible Recycling) : 2013
ISO 14001: 2004 Certification
OHSAS 18001: 2007 Certification
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"Zero Landfill" Policy
With Schaumburg Electronics Recycling you can be proactive in helping the planet. Our company has a "Zero Landfill" policy that we follow religiously. If everyone makes incremental changes by recycling and reusing materials when possible the cumulative effect will have a profound influence on the environment and we will all breathe easier - literally.
Once we destroy your hard drives we hand disassembles every device instead of shredding them. The only thing Schaumburg Electronics Recycling shreds are hard drives, which are self-contained and pose no threat to the environment when shredded. Shredding the components however, would release dangerous toxins into the air. It takes more time to do this by hand but it's also more thorough and allows us to extract the largest amount of reusable material as possible as we place great importance on sustainable electronics recycling.